good fortune; happiness; luck; blessing

Made up of [ shì spirit; altar radical 113, kǒu mouth radical 30, tián field radical 102]
Made with 13 strokes.
An auspicious offering for fields producing a large harvest of food. Also a measure word for things that come in pairs: gloves, glasses etc.

Related characters

Also uses shì component: (ceremony) shén (god) ; (grandfather)
Also uses kǒu component: (supposition or suggestion) chàng (to sing) ; chāo (to exceed) ; chī (to eat) ; chuán (boat) ; fēi (coffee) ; (rich) ; gào (to tell) ; (each) ; gōng (palace) ; gǒu (dog) ; (ancient) ; hāi (sound of sighing) ; hào (name) ; (together) ; (to close) ; (drink) ; hēng (prosperous) ; hòu (behind) ; huí (to circle) ; huò (maybe) ; (lucky) ; jiào (called) ; jīng (capital) ; jiù (fault) ; (sentence) ; (office) ; jūn (monarch) ; (coffee) ; (can) ; lìng (other) ; (?) ; mìng (life) ; míng (name) ; míng (to call (birds)) ; ne (and you?) ; (hops) ; pǐn (article) ; (as) ; shàng (still) ; shì (matter) ; shǐ (history) ; suī (although) ; tái (typhoon) ; táng (Tang) ; tīng (to listen) ; tóng (same) ; wèn (ask) ; (to be fond of) ; xiōng (elder brother) ; yǎo (to bite) ; yòu (right) ; (language) ; yuán (person) ; yuē (to speak) ; zhān (to observe) ; zhī (one) ; zhī (to know) ; zhōu (circuit) ; (foot)
Also uses tián component: chù (livestock) dài (to respect) ; diàn (electric) ; (rich) ; huà (to draw) ; huáng (yellow) ; jiǎ (first in list) ; jiāng (border) ; lèi (tired) ; léi (thunder) ; (inside) ; māo (cat) ; (area) ; nán (male) ; shēn (to extend) ; (to think) ; yóu (to follow)

Sounds same

(not) ; (clothes) ; (to trust)

Different tone

(husband) ; ; (woman) ; (father) ; (rich) ; ('left ear') ; (place)

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福州 Fuzhou, Fujian


福无重至,祸不单行 fú wú chóng zhì, huò bú dān xíng Bad fortune is more frequent than good
塞翁失马,安知非福 sài wēng shī mǎ, ān zhī fēi fú The story is that a man lost his horse but actually it went over the Great Wall and brought back several horses with it. A setback may turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
生活有爱幸福,为爱生活愚蠢 shēng huó yǒu ài xìngfú, wèi ài shēng huó yú chǔn Love is not the most important thing


五福 wǔ fú good luck gods