Quiz about China


How well do you know China? Test your knowledge with our wide range of quizzes. Our China quizzes cover China and all things Chinese. All the questions have their answer somewhere on the Chinasage web site. The range of possible answers are different each time you take the quiz. Most people find these quizzes tough so don't be discouraged. Our picture quizzes ask you to identify well known landmarks in China.

The quizzes have 15 or 20 questions. At the end we give you a summary of the results and an opportunity to share your results on Facebook. Please send us your comments so we can continue to improve them.

Monthly Quizzes

January quizJanuary quiz February quizFebruary quiz March quizMarch quiz April quizApril quiz May quizMay quiz June quizJune quiz July quizJuly quiz August quizAugust quiz September quizSeptember quiz October quizOctober quiz November quizNovember quiz December quizDecember quiz

Chinese New Year quiz - all about Chinese Spring Festival

Chinese NewYear quizChinese New Year quiz

General China quizzes: history, geography, traditions, language - a mixed bag

General China quiz 1General China quiz 1
(Starter level)
General China quiz 2General China quiz 2
(Beginner level)
General China quiz 3General China quiz 3
(Intermediate level 1)
General China quiz 4General China quiz 4
(Intermediate level 2)
General China quiz 5General China quiz 5
(Tough level)
General China quiz 6General China quiz 6
(Expert level)
quiz, questions

China history quizzes from the depths of time to the present day

Chinese History quiz 1Chinese History quiz 1
(Starter level)
Chinese History quiz 2Chinese History quiz 2
(Intermediate level 1)
Chinese History quiz 3Chinese History quiz 3
(Intermediate level 2)
Chinese History quiz 4Chinese History quiz 4
(Tough level)
Tasters: What must all Emperors possess to be able to rule? What was the highest grade in the old civil service examination system?

Chinese traditions and customs quizzes - pastimes, food, beliefs

Chinese Traditions quiz 1Traditions quiz 1
(Starter level)
Chinese Traditions quiz 2Traditions quiz 2
(Tough level)
Tasters: The Isles of the Blessed were thought to lie in which direction from China? Bamboo is used for many things, which of these is it NOT been used for?

Chinese Geography quiz - peoples, places and climate

Chinese Geography quiz 1Geography quiz
(Intermediate level)

Mandarin Language quiz - basic level

Chinese Language quiz 1Chinese Language quiz
(Starter level)

Picture quiz - famous landmarks of China - where can you find them?

China Picture quiz 1Picture quiz 1
(Starter level)
China Picture quiz 2Picture quiz 2
(Tough level)