Information about the people behind Chinasage

Chinasage is developed and maintained by Silurian Software ➚. Silurian Software has a long development experience of web sites stretching back to 1995. The range of software applications created by the company has been extremely diverse including development tools, server applications, e-mail and Internet monitoring products. We have been selling software over the Internet for over 20 years. For further information about the company click on the Silurian Software link ➚.
Please use the contact form on each page to send us your feedback, query or comments. We prefer to process all queries by E-Mail (, and aim to respond to all queries within 24 hours, alternatively you can contact our general office during office hours direct on telephone +44 1l8 96l4 277.
Chinasage is headed by Rob Stallard who first came across Chinese culture and civilization when studying at Cambridge University when Dr. Joseph Needham ➚, the great Sinologist, was Master of Gonville and Caius College ➚ at the time. For over 20 years Rob has been a director for the Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding ➚ for which he has acted as Treasurer and Secretary and is now a Vice President.