同人 Tóng rén Companionship (Seeking harmony) [hexagram 13]

Heaven over Fire

Lunar month: 7 ; Host or Controlling line : 2
同人于野, 亨. 利涉大川, 利君子贞. Tóng rén yú yě, hēng. lì shè dà chuān, lì jūn zǐ zhēn.
Tong Ren (or 'Union of men') appears here (as we find it) in the (remote districts of the) country, indicating progress and success. It will be advantageous to cross the great stream. It will be advantageous to maintain the firm correctness of the superior man.
彖传: 同人, 柔得位得中, 而应乎乾, 曰同人. 同人曰, 同人于野, 亨. 利涉大川, 乾行也. 文明以健, 中正而应, 君子正也. 唯君子为能通天下之志. Tuàn zhuàn: Tóng rén, róu dé wèi dé zhòng, ér yìng hū qián, yuētóng rén. tóng rén yuē, Tóng rén yú yě, hēng. Lì shè dà chuān, qián xíng yě. Wén míng yǐ jiàn, zhōng zhèng ér yìng, jūn zǐ zhèng yě. Wéi jūn zǐ wéi néng tōng tiān xià zhī zhì.In Tong Ren the weak (line) has the place (of influence), the central place, and responds to (the corresponding line in) Qian (above); hence comes its name of Tong Ren (or 'Union of men'). Tong Ren says: - The language, 'Tong Ren appears here (as we find it) in (the remote districts of) the country, indicating progress and success, and that it will be advantageous to cross the great stream,' is molded by its containing the strength (symbolized) in Qian. (Then) we have (the trigram indicating) elegance and intelligence, supported by (that indicating) strength; with the line in the central, and its correct, position, and responding (to the corresponding line above): - (all representing) the correct course of the superior man. It is only the superior man who can comprehend and affect the minds of all under the sky.
象传: 天与火, 同人; 君子以类族辨物. Xiàng zhuàn: Tiān yǔ huǒ, tóng rén; jūn zǐ yǐ lèi zú biàn wù.(The trigrams for) heaven and fire form Tong Ren. The superior man, in accordance with this), distinguishes things according to their kinds and classes.
初九: 同人于门, 无咎. Chū jiǔ: tóng rén yú mén, wú jiù.The first ‘nine’, undivided, (shows the representative of) the union of men just issuing from his gate. There will be no error.
象传: 出门同人, 又谁咎也. Xiàng zhuàn: Chū mén tóng rén, yòu shéi jiù yě.'(The representative of) the union of men is just issuing from his gate:' - who will blame him?
六二: 同人于宗, 吝. Liù èr: tóng rén yú zōng, lìn.The second ‘six’, divided, (shows the representative of) the union of men in relation with his kindred. There will be occasion for regret.
象传: 同人于宗, 吝道也. Xiàng zhuàn: Tóng rén yú zōng, lìn dào yě.'(The representative of) the union of men appears in relation with his kindred:' - that is the path to regret.
九三: 伏戎于莽, 升其高陵, 三岁不兴. Jiǔ sān: fú róng yú mǎng, shēng qí gāo líng, sān suì bù xīng.The third ‘nine’, undivided, (shows its subject) with his arms hidden in the thick grass, and at the top of a high mound. (But) for three years he makes no demonstration.
象传: 伏戎于莽, 敌刚也. 三岁不兴, 安行也. Xiàng zhuàn: Fú róng yú mǎng, dí gāng yě. sān suì bù xīng, ān xíng yě.'He hides his arms in the thick grass:' - because of the strength of his opponent. 'For three years he makes no demonstration:' - how can he do anything?
九四: 乘其墉, 弗克攻, 吉. Jiǔ sì: chéng qí yōng, fú kè gōng, jí.The fourth ‘nine’, undivided, (shows its subject) mounted on the city wall; but he does not proceed to make the attack (he contemplates). There will be good fortune.
象传: 乘其墉, 义弗克也, 其吉, 则困而反则也. Xiàng zhuàn: Chéng qí yōng, yì fú kè yě, qí jí, zé kùn ér fǎn zé yě.'He is mounted on his city-wall;' but yielding to the right, 'he does not proceed to make the attack (he contemplated).' (Where it is said),'There will be good fortune,' (that shows how) he feels the strait he is in, and returns to the rule of law.
九五: 同人, 先号啕而后笑. 大师克相遇. Jiǔ wǔ: tóng rén, xiān háo táo ér hòu xiào. dà shī kè xiāng yù.In the fifth ‘nine’, undivided, (the representative of) the union of men first wails and cries out, and then laughs. His great host conquers, and he (and the subject of the second line) meet together.
象传: 同人之先, 以中直也. 大师相遇, 言相克也. Xiàng zhuàn: Tóng rén zhī xiān, yǐ zhōng zhí yě. dà shī xiāng yù, yán xiāng kè yě.The first action of (the representative of) the union of men (here described) arises from his central position and straightforward character. 'The meeting secured by his great host' intimates that the opponents of it have been overcome.
上九: 同人于郊, 无悔. Shàng jiǔ: tóng rén yú jiāo, wú huǐ.The topmost ‘nine’, undivided, (shows the representative of) the union of men in the suburbs. There will be no occasion for repentance.
象传: 同人于郊, 志未得也. Xiàng zhuàn: Tóng rén yú jiāo, zhì wèi dé yě.'(The representative of) the union of men appears in the suburbs:' - his object has not yet been attained.