idea; meaning; thought

Made up of [ yīn sound radical 180, xīn heart radical 61]
Made with 13 strokes.
Can be thought as combination of 'voice' and 'heart' and so thought is giving voice to the heart; however 'yin' is here as the phonetic

Related characters

Also uses xīn component: (certainly) cōng (quick at hearing) ; (virtue) ; dìng (how) ; è (evil) ; niàn (to read) ; nín (you (polite)) ; (to think) ; wàng (to forget) ; xiǎng (to think) ; yuàn (to hope) ; zhì (aspiration)

Sounds same

(easy) ; 亿 (100,000,000) ; ; (justice) ; (also) ; (city) ; (catch) ; (skill) ; (to recollect) ; (different)

Different tone

(one) ; (doctor) ; (clothes) ; (clothes) ; ; (proper) ; (barbarians) ; (hidden) ; (to use) ; (chair) ; (already) ; (twist)

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一意孤行 yī yì gū xíng Acting dogmatically in pursuit of own objectives without regard to others. Dogged determination. Sometimes this approach is honorable and sometimes leads to ruin but it is the single-mindedness that is being admired.
得意洋洋 dé yì yáng yáng To be very pleased with oneself. Giving an air of sublime complacency.
差强人意 chā qiáng rén yì Just about good enough an effort. Someone showing minimum of commitment to meet a goal. Barely satisfactory.
项庄舞剑,意在沛公 xiàng zhuāng wǔ jiàn yì zài pèi gōng An elaborate evil deception. The Duke of Pei was one of the titles of the first Han Emperor (r. 202-195BCE) Liu Bang. Xiang Zuang was a sword-fighter who intended to murder Liu Bang. In order to get close to Liu he performed a sword dance in front of him. fortunately for Liu the plot was unmasked by Fan Kuai and Liu escaped unharmed. Refers to a hidden malicious agenda.


如意 rú yì Ru Yi