skill; art

Made up of [ cǎo grass; herb radical 140, hidden; concealed; small radical 5]
Alternative traditional form of character:
Made with 4 strokes.
Originally a person kneeling by a tree suggesting 'planting'. 'Yi' is also the phonetic. It now refers to skills in general not just planting

Related characters

Also uses cǎo component: cài (vegetable) cǎo (grass) ; chá (tea) ; dǒng (to understand) ; huā (flower) ; jié (joint) ; (bitter) ; lán (blue) ; láo (to toil) ; mǎn (to fill) ; māo (cat) ; měng (Mongol) ; (do not) ; píng (apple) ; (grape) ; qián (front) ; ruò (to seem) ; (revive) ; táo (grapes) ; yào (medicine) ; yīng (flower) ; zàng (treasury) ; zhēng (to steam)
Also uses component: chī (to eat) (why) ; jiǔ (nine) ; kǒng (great) ; (ceremony) ; lìng (to order) ; luàn (in confusion or disorder) ; mài (sell) ; mǎi (buy) ; (to practice) ; (also) ; 亿 (100,000,000) ; (to recollect) ; (to use)

Sounds same

(easy) ; 亿 (100,000,000) ; ; (justice) ; (also) ; (city) ; (catch) ; (to recollect) ; (idea) ; (different)

Different tone

(one) ; (doctor) ; (clothes) ; (clothes) ; ; (proper) ; (barbarians) ; (hidden) ; (to use) ; (chair) ; (already) ; (twist)

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赐子千金不如教子一艺 cì zǐ qiān jīn bù rú jiào zǐ yī yì Learning a new skill will pay dividends in the future