
Made up of [ zhǔ dot radical 3, one radical 1, jiōng covering box radical 13]
Similar looking characters : (rain)
Alternative traditional form of character:
Made with 7 strokes.
Originally a complex character of a beautiful deer with pendants now much simplified to just a pair of pendants

Related characters

Also uses zhǔ component: bái (bright) bàn (half) ; bīng (ice) ; (younger brother) ; duì (to cash) ; liáng (good) ; lìng (to order) ; (store) ; sháo (spoon) ; shù (method) ; (revive) ; tài (too) ; wǎng (towards) ; wèi (do) ; (crow) ; (justice) ; yóu (outstanding) ; (jade) ; zhōu (prefecture) ; zhù (to live) ; zhǔ (owner) ; (from)
Also uses component: bǎi (hundred) bǐng (third in order) ; (no; not) ; chǒu (shameful) ; dàn (dawn) ; (virtue) ; huà (to draw) ; huò (maybe) ; jiāng (border) ; kāi (begin) ; liǎng (pair) ; měng (Mongol) ; miè (to extinguish) ; qiě (and) ; shì (life) ; (to give) ; zài (again) ; zhèng (correct)
Also uses jiōng component: gāng (ridge) jiàn (see) ; liǎng (pair) ; nán (south) ; nèi (inner) ; shàng (still) ; shāng (commerce) ; tóng (same) ; wǎng (net) ; (rain) ; zài (again) ; zhōu (circuit)

Sounds same

(strength) ; (stand) ; (sharp) ; (strict) ; (to experience)

Different tone

(Fire) ; ; (pear) ; (inside) ; (ceremony) ; (texture) ; (plum)

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丽江 Lijiang, Yunnan


富丽堂皇 fù lì táng huáng To have the best of good fortune